Heat tries to move not only through plastic but also through water, air, iron, rubber, and other media. Thermal conductivity is a physical quantity that defines how easily heat is transferred.
It can be said that the larger this number is, the easier it is for heat to be transmitted.
Aluminum, which conducts heat easily even though it is a metal, has a thermal conductivity of 236 W/m K, which is more than three times that of iron.
On the other hand, plastic basically has a thermal conductivity of only about 0.1 to 0.3, and it can be said that heat is difficult to transfer
I would like to verify these using CAE.
Create a model like the one below and give A a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius as a heat source.
Create a thermal conduction model in contact with A and bring it into contact with B. By changing the material of the thermal conduction model
Calculate how much the temperature of B will change. (Set the initial temperature to 0°C for easy understanding)
According to the analysis results, it can be confirmed that aluminum conducts heat better, and it can be seen that the temperature of B also rises to 15℃ or higher.
On the other hand, you can see that the heat is hardly transferred to the plastic.
You can see that the difference in thermal conductivity affects the temperature change.
High thermal conductivity also means that the heat cools down easily.
So most of the heatsink is made of aluminum.