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Molding Technology: Types of Hot Runners

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

The main advantage of hot runners is that no waste runners are produced during molding, but

There are different types of gates for hot runners.

(1) Open gate

A nozzle tip is placed at the tip of the nozzle, and when the mold is opened upon completion of injection → gate seal

The nozzle tip separates the product from the gate when the mold is opened at the time of injection completion → gate sealing. Note that it is impossible to control the flow balance.

(2) Valve gate

A valve pin is placed inside the gate bushing. When the valve pin is closed at the completion of injection, it separates the product from the gate. The valve pin can be driven by pneumatic or hydraulic pressure to control the resin flow balance.

             Gate trace formed by valve gate (PPS GF-50)


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