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CFRP: Stack moulding (multi-stage press)

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

CFRP has a long moulding cycle due to the properties of the resin, but by making the moulds compatible with stack moulding, the moulding cycle per sheet can be shortened.

However, by making the moulds compatible with stack moulding, the moulding cycle per sheet can be shortened.

However, the stack moulding mechanism is complex and the moulds are large, making it difficult to increase the number of stacks with limited equipment.

Therefore, we have developed a new stacking mechanism that is feasible even with thinner moulds, and we are carrying out prototype trials of CHRP.

With the sides 6a and 6b of the first two equal links 6 and the sides 8a and 8b of the second two equal links 8 fully opened, the moulded material can be workably placed in cavity 5a between upper mould 2 and middle mould 3 and cavity 5b between middle mould 3 and lower mould 4. After placing the moulded material in cavities 5a and 5b, the moulding material placed in cavities 5a and 5b can be pressurised and moulded evenly by aligning the moulds.

                Enlargement of the link mechanism

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